Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yesturday, while I was walking on my way to my friends bus to help him with a project, his partner, a mentally challenged, retarded blond douche-bag hit me from behind on both sides of the head. At that moment I though of 56 ways to painfully end his life. However, I also remembered something this Malcolm guy had told me: He said that Klasikal Snakjak needed stuff that hadnt been seen before, because all other things were from google so instead of puinfully murdering the poor fucktard I decided to start something of my own invention.

As for the name of it, im still working for it but it will be a series of episodes showing the funny stuff that happens in everyday school shit and other random crap I can add. The characters will be made from macromedia flash and the animations will be cool, but lacking graphics. Hopefully it will be entertaining and worth waiting for for those who enjoy funny stuff rather that review of shit you can figure out by yourself or on wikipedia...

Without any more explanations, (my hands are getting tired and Im bored of writting), these will be some of the characters in the series of episodes.

I will come up with the title of these series and the entrance scene by tomorrow and the first episode will probably come this weekend or whenever I fucking fell like it. For now, enjoy this, play it safe and stay away from Malcolm.

The one and only mastermind of klasikal snakjak



  1. this is actually a really good idea

  2. and by the way, you're an asshole. It's fine if you want to be a dick to me and Erick, but when you fuck up the blog you're being a dick to all the readers too.

  3. Readers? What readers? O.o, btw erick posted it
